Two months have gone by without me posting anything about Maya, and in a way there isn't anything new to say from the last post in October. She continues to progress, but basically still favors her damaged leg an awful lot. If I walk her on leash she's pretty good about using it and walking on four legs, but when she's running around the yard or in the woods she's very protective of it. I figure that's good. She knows it's vulnerable and she is taking care of it. I also think it slows her down, so when she's running free she just gets along faster on three legs, though there's also times when she is running and it appears both back legs are in play. I'd probably need to film her a while and analyze her strides, though realistically I'm not going to do that.
If anything Maya has slowed some, which in most dogs would be expected at about two years old, which Maya is as of Dec. 18. Since Maya is an Irish setter, and typically they have a longer adolescence, I suspect her injury and long convalescence are probably more to blame. She tends to stay close to me, though not exclusively, and she's definitely more nervous, both when she's out and when she's surprised at home. She barks a lot more than she did before and is less friendly with people coming into the house, though sometimes it's hard to tell if she's just ecstatic about seeing someone or concerned.
Dog or coyote tracks? |
It was a 45 minute walk across a crusty inch of snow and it was enough. Maya sacked out as soon as we got home. She had to be called for dinner. Yesterday we got another two to three inches of snow and we'll try another jaunt in a little while. The sun is out, though it's still slightly below freezing. The cold's gotta be tough on that leg, so I'll watch her carefully. Maybe the other day it was just too damn cold and windy for a smart dog.